Sunday, December 21, 2014

Digimon Empire Chapter 10

Digimon Empire
Chapter 10

AxeBattlemon whirled his mighty battle axe directly at Michael and Cairomon who rolled away from each other as the axe whizzed by them. Michael turned to look and found that the axe was buried to the pommel in the soft earth they'd been standing at. He felt scared, while though he had mentally prepared for this very battle he was still surprised by the instant assault upon their arrival. Looking at Cairomon he could see that he was equally rattled by the battle they seemingly walked right into. Michael turned his head back just in time to see AxeBattlemon rush forward, fist swinging right at Cairomon.

"Cairomon lookout!" Michael cried, but it was too late. In an instant the black dragon crumpled under the force of the mighty fist. Michael could feel the air rushing around him as the world seemed to spin out of control. He heard Coronamon attacking but he couldn't make out what was happening. Cairomon's body lay broken as AxeBattlemon turned to attack Coronamon who was jumping quickly backward while tossing fireballs at the warriors face. As Coronamon distracted AxeBattlemon with his annoying tactics Michael slid to Cairomon's side.

"Hey buddy." Michael said while lifting the head of the dragon. "Hey stay with me now. It's alright." Michael was scared, this was suddenly more than he could handle. He felt vulnerable with Cairomon immobilized. The black dragon didn't make the slightest move to respond to his words or his touch and it left him feeling completely hopeless. At least he felt that way until Guardmon and Battlemon rushed from the front gate and started for him and Cairomon. His eyes darted around but there was nothing, the closest dead Digimon was too far out of reach for him to hope to gather a weapon from.

"Kill them!" The voice of AxeBattlemon roared as it attacked Coronamon who was impishly attacking him. Michael panicked as the group was within reach of them and Cairomon was still seemingly unconscious and badly broken. He closed his eyes as he tried to prepare his death and he felt cold. He felt as though the heat of the world had escaped him and it could never come back. Then he felt the wind cold and biting against his cheek and the heat rising from his hands. His eyes slowly opened and through the start of tears he saw Cairomon's body glowing, contorting, and growing. The advancing troop had stopped in surprise at the sudden change. Michael gasped and jumped back away from the dragon as Cairomon emerged from the sharp light.

"Excairomon" The deep rumbling voice proclaimed as a proud quadrupedal dragon stood where the previously timid bipedal dragon had been. His scales were the same and with the same soft glowing illuminating the veins in between the scales. His snout was slightly more pronounced than before, wisps of smoke coming from his nostrils at a steady rate. He now sported two sharply pointed horns whereas Cairomon only sported nubs under his skin. His arms were slightly webbed now and he was larger than before by more than double his Rookie size. "Back off-" He roared as flames poured out among the Guardmon and Battlemon troop that had advanced on them. Before the troop could react Excairomon swung his large thick tail into the closest Battlemon taking out the rival Champion level Digimon and killing a Guardmon to boot as the Battlemon fell and crushed the smaller Digimon.

Another Battlemon scrambled forward swinging its battle mace at Excairomon. The mighty dragon leapt back out of the way of the attack. Hissing as flames once more erupted from his jaws to envelop his adversary. Michael saw the look in his friends eyes, it was the look of hunger. He could see that the dragon was preying on the Guardmon and Battlemon. Michael made his way forward as the two squared off and got a better look at what was happening. The city was on fire, and there were bodies of the inhabiting Digimon piled high in the streets. It looked as though the rebel army had started slaying the city and the Digimon who lived there had fought back. They had fought back and failed, and Michael felt saddened by the amount of death he perceived as he looked on the battlefield. The rebellion armies were supposedly there to help the Digimon that resided in the cities and towns of the Empire. As Michael looked at the devastation around him though he knew that rebel army didn't care about the Digimon who lived there any more than the Empire did and probably less. Both sides needed to be stopped.

AxeBattlemon had shifted his attention to Excairomon as Coronamon finally fell to a heavy hit from the giant warriors fist. A wicked grin flashed across AxeBattlemon's face as he walked swiftly toward Excairomon while twirling his mighty axe in his hand. Before the dragon could attack AxeBattlemon pounced on top of him pinning him down by his neck with one hand while trying to get his free hand in an angle to swing his battle axe. Excairomon scrambled against the warriors side trying to break free of its grip. The dragon craned its neck and placed its back feet against the warriors hands and viciously tore into flesh of AxeBattlemon. A fireball cast from Coronamon hit the warrior in the face and all at once Excairomon was freed from the grasp of AxeBattlemon but not without a price. As the dragon broke free the mighty axe of AxeBattlemon cleaved into his side. With a deafening roar Excairomon retaliated with a molten blast of fire that the warrior dodged away from while swinging his axe again in a wide arc.

"Come a little closer you lizard cretin." AxeBattlemon taunted while leaping forward and swinging again at Excairomon who barely moved back away from the deadly weapon. The dragon coiled back while hissing and snapped dangerously at AxeBattlemon. The warrior kept pushing Excairomon back towards the city wall to pin him and Michael saw this happening. He felt panic rising in his chest, and he felt so helpless and vulnerable. Coronamon bounded over to his side and they watched the deadly axe twirl and the flames escape in short bursts.

Guardmon started pouring from the gates, The sounds of their footsteps resounding loudly as each soldier stepped out and stood in formation, and each completed line of troops was twenty Guardmon, with one Battlemon for every ten, and they continued coming out until they were twenty rows thick. Walking in step the sound of the approaching troop was both terrifying and invigorating. Michael picked up a small buckler shield and Coronamon started twirling small flames between his finger tips.  Michael looked back at Excairomon and his heart started sinking as he saw how badly he was being beaten. Looking back at the advancing troop of four hundred and forty, Michael felt fear racking his body. The battle had barely begun and they were losing badly with only three against so many all of his hope faded. All of these feelings seemingly faded as a terrible roar erupted from within the city walls.

"Fist of the Beast King!" Flaming energy burst from his fist as the words escaped his lips. Michael felt hope all at once as on the wall running down the ramparts was a bloodied and scarred Leomon. The king of beasts himself Leomon is known for being a mighty warrior with a brave heart and soul of justice. When they were coding the Digimon Michael remembered Tori complaining about how complicated it was to code the "braveHeart class," but because of this Michael wasn't surprised when Leomon leapt from the wall drawing his short blade mid air and decapitating a Guardmon upon landing. Michael and Coronamon rushed forward both attacking the troop, but were both abruptly tossed aside. Coronamon's attacks were annoying but they are not powerful enough to do any damage the armored soldiers. They were hopelessly outnumbered, and one by one they fell. Michael strained to see Excairomon and saw Axebattlemon dragging him by his tail towards them.

"Execution time, suiting for an EX-Cairomon!"

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